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plastics and eco-sustainable packaging

- recycled granules
-plastic pallet 

Costruzione della strada

Divisione segnaletica stradale

developing  innovative strategies

let's give a second life for a better planet



We offer a wide range of granules in LDPE, HDPE,  PP,  reprocessed from waste  post-industrial and post-consumer. Usable for molding, extrusion, filming .. >>



For the packaging sector, we have developed in synergy with our partners a series of items in regenerated plastic and wood also coming from regeneration with the aim of guaranteeing the right performance and  .. >>



Unlike waste intermediaries and environmental managers, DB PLAST green solutions makes the most of your production residues by returning them a value that you thought was completely lost.

  Confer intelligently  your residue to optimize the correct valorisation, finding the company that will buy your waste .. >>







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db plast green solution  srl via Settevalli 441 06129 Perugia VAT number 03726560547 (PG) Umbria Italy

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